

The Division of Study Financing hereby informs all study-financing applicants who to date have not submitted all the required documents or -information on the application form that:

In accordance with article 11 paragraph 1 of the policy as described in the draft study financing ordinance, persons who did not submit all the required documents or -information on the application form when applying for study financing were granted three (3) additional weeks to submit the missing documents and complete their applications.

Please be informed the deadline to submit all missing documents or information is Friday February 6, 2015.

The documents must be handed in at the office of the Division of Study Financing located at N. De Brotstraat #3, Vlaun Building, (Opposite the Post Office) from Monday – Friday, 8:00  – 12:00 and 13:00 – 17:00.

Please note failure to comply with the aforementioned will result in your request for study financing not being processed.

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