Conditions and criteria for Study Financing

Study financing may be awarded to:

  • Persons who :
    1. Have chosen a study that is priority area of study for the Government of St.Maarten
    2. Are in possession of the Dutch nationality:
      1. born on St.Maarten, with the provision that if the child’s parents temporarily left the St.Maarten at the time of birth, in the event that the absence of the parents lasted less than a year then is considered to be born on St.Maarten;
      2. born outside of St.Maarten , but whose father or mother were born on St.Maarten ;
      3. born outside of St.Maarten , but whose father or mother have resided on St.Maarten for ten years or more Antilles within the meaning of the Civil Code of St.Maarten;
    3. Have been residents of St. Maarten for at least five (5 ) years prior to requesting study financing
      • Exemptions to the five (5) year term under point 4:
        • The five (5) year is reduced to at least two (2) years prior to requesting study financing, if :
          • The applicant was born on St.Maarten or in the former Netherlands Antilles or
          • At least one parent was born on St.Maarten or in the former Netherlands Antilles
        • Persons of Dutch nationality attending secondary school outside of St. Maarten, if :
          • At least 1 parent or guardian has been a resident of St. Maarten for at least five years preceding the request for study financing
    4. Are in possession of a high school diploma
    5. Meet the required academic results. Please click here to view the overview required academic results.
    6. Are 18 or older but younger than 26 years
      • Exemptions to ages listed under point 6:
        • Persons younger than 18 years, who have completed high school
        • Persons 26 years or older , to pursue a high priority study
    7. With an annual parental income not greater than Nafls. 200.000,— and or insufficient means to pursue tertiary education
      • Exemptions:
        • Persons with an annual parental income not greater than Nafls. 200.000,— may request study financing as a 100% loan
        • In cases of multiple sibling applicants or if a sibling is already a study financing recipient, the parental income will be divided equally over the number of siblings
    8. Received study financing before for a SBO or MBO study to pursue a continuing HBO/bachelor program
    9. Have no claim to financial aid from an alternate source or insufficient means
    10. Have submitted information from which it is evident that the financial burdens and duties of the parents or guardian, donot amply exceed the declared taxable income
    11. Have submitted information from which it is evident that the contribution or financial support from parents, guardian, sponsors or guarantors towards living expenses and tuition for the study is not one and a half times or greater than the maximum study financing amount
    12. Have chosen an educational institution which is considered to be the most appropriate/effectual
    13. Are admissible to the chosen educational institution and study major
    14. Have submitted all the required documents before the deadline
  • The availability of sufficient financial resources (liquidity position of the Government of St.Maarten) taking into the responsibilities towards existing study financing recipients and new applications may result in the denial of requests for study financing.
  • In all cases, applicants with the best academic results will be given first preference


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