If your request for study financing or any other request has been denied, you have the right to lodge an appeal or objection.
On the basis of article 55 jo 56, first subsection, National Ordinance on Administrative Proceedings (Landsverordening Administratieve Rechtspraak), persons affected by this decision can filed a note of objection against this administrative decision,within six weeks after the date of sending or issuance of this decision. The note of objection may be submitted to the same administrative authority (Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport) that made the administrative decision.
To lodge an objection/appeal with the Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport please follow the procedure outlined below:
- Write a letter within 6 weeks from the date on which the decision was adopted addressed to the Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport lodging an objection and or appeal against the decision.
- The letter should contain the motives for your objection and or appeal.
- The letter with all supporting documents (including a number where you can be reached) should be taken to General Affairs in the Government Administration Building.
- Please also submit a copy of that letter to the Division Study Financing to ensure a speedy handling of the case.
- The Study Financing Appeal Committee will contact the student or their representative for a hearing. During the hearing the student or their representative will be able to elucidate and or motive the case.
- All supporting documents/study results etc. to prove your case should be brought along to the hearing.
Instead of a note of objection, persons affected by this decision, may appeal this decision at the Court of First Instance St. Maarten in accordance with article 7 jo. 16, of National Ordinance on Administrative Appeal Proceedings (Landsverordening Administratieve Rechtspraak), within 6 weeks after the day of sending or issuance of this decision.