Studying in the Region
On this page you will find information that will help you concerning studying in the region

- Increase the number of students pursuing vocational, higher and tertiary level education at regional institutions
- Reduce the cost for guidance, supervision and mentoring in the Netherlands
- Reduce the number of students studying in the Netherlands
- Reduce dropouts and frequent study changes
- Increase academic performance
Definition of the region
- St. Maarten
- Canada
- Aruba, Curacao and Bonaire
- The Caribbean Islands:
- Barbados
- Puerto Rico
- Trinidad
- St.Lucia
- Dominican Republic
- Etc.
Advantages of studying in the region
- Smoother transition to study and live abroad
- Closer to home
- Less integration problems due to language
- Better student care and guidance counseling provided by the schools
- Higher success rate: 90% of students complete their study in 5 years or less compared to 7 years in the Netherlands
- Less study changes: 20 % of students changes their studies compared to 45% in the Netherlands
- Better academic performance: 80% of students maintain a GPA of 2.50 or higher compared to 45% in the Netherlands obtaining 45 ECTS
- Less dropouts: 15 % of students dropped out compared to 40% in the Netherlands
- Lower study debt:
- NED: average study debt € 50000 or NAF 125000
- Region: average NAF 80000
- 20% discount for returning home
- More rewards for outstanding academic achievement
- 2 + 2 programs between USM, JWU, FAMU and Monroe College
- All degrees are equivalent degrees issued in the Netherlands
- Reduced- and instate tuition fees available at MOU schools
- Better connection between secondary -and tertiary level education
- Extremely high exchange rate of the EURO
- Negative consequences of the changes in Dutch educational and study financing law:
- Stringent admittance requirements
- Study checks
- Binding study advises after 1 year
- “Basisbeurs” becoming a loan
- Most students studying in the Netherlands are pursuing international (English) degrees
- Proper planning and preparation is required
- Stringent process and requirements to obtain US student VISA
- Financial guarantee letter &
- 6 months of bank statements
- Parental contribution required of approximately US$ 5000.00 to 10000.00 annually dependent on students lifestyle
- Unable to gain experience through work after completion of study
Challenges strengthen the mind, as labor does the body
- Get a friend/relative or sponsor to stand as guarantor
- Work and save for 1 year before leaving
- Use the 2+2 program at USM
- Secure a loan from a bank for the amount
- In the event of insufficient financial means: Request an additional guarantee for the Government of St. Maarten