Incentives to return home

3+ years in St. Maarten
With a minimum 3 years employment or residency on St.Maarten
All study financing recipients are eligible for 20% discount on study loans from the Government of St.Maarten.
How to request
To request a 20% discount on your study loan debt please submit the following documents to
- A letter addressed to the minister ECYS requesting the 20% discount on your study loans
- Proof that you have been residing on St.Maarten for at least 3 years
- e.g.: Employment contract or tax declarations
- Proof that you are current with your study loan payments (if applicable)
Reduction in the monthly study debt payment
If your monthly study debt payments are too high. Then you can request a reduction via a ‘draagkrachtmeting’ or financial assessment of your ability to repay the monthly study debt amount.
Government of Sint Maarten employees on boarding policy
50 % study debt compensation
Graduates employed by the Government of Sint Maarten are eligible for a ten (10 %) precent compensation to cover their outstanding study debt with DUO or Government of Sint Maarten for each year of good performance for a period of maximum five (5) years.
- The graduate must be an employee of the Government of St.Maarten
- The on boarding policy (instroom beleid) must be mentioned in your employment contract or national decree.
- A good annual performance evaluation (SP or EP)
How to request
Please contact the Personnel Department
Graduates recruited from abroad by the Government of Sint Maarten are eligible for the following allowances:
Married: 3.750,-
Single: NAfls. 2.000,-
250,- per child
Economy class tickets for students and their legitimate family to St.Maarten
Compensation of costs for:
Household items: 20 ft container or 30 m³
Household items and car : 40 ft container
Alternatively, a onetime payment of Nafls. 5000,00 for shipping cost
10 kg for passengers over 12 years
5 kg for passengers under 12 years
Nafls 6000,00
Maximum 6 weeks stay in a hotel (15% own contribution)