Antonio M. Aventurin

After, working at the Milton Peters College for more than 15 years in various capacities (math /computer science teacher and Head of VSBO-TKL), I have now been appointed as Head of Study Financing since the May 1st,2011.
During my tenure as Department Head Study Financing, I will remained steadfast in my commitment to the youth of St.Maarten by continuing to develop and enhance our study financing program to offer our students the opportunity to upgrade their skills by attaining higher education. Special attention will be paid to promoting studying in the region and pursuing the signing MOU with various educational institutions/colleges to create additional study opportunities for young St. Maarteners.
This Department will continue to make all the necessary technological upgrades, it is our intention upgrade this website to better facilitate the communication process and ensure that information is readily available for our students in particular and the community at large.
Everyone associated with study financing can take pride in the excellence that has been achieved thus far, and we look forward to a very exciting future.
I shall continue to seek and implement ways to better my Department every day and I aim to surpass even my own high standards of excellence and professionalism that our community has grown accustomed to.
I encourage you to use this site as a way of staying in touch with your island, your fellow students, and especially with the study financing office.
Please do not hesitate to contact me at
Antonio M. Aventurin
Head Study Financing, St. Maarten