Priority studies
The priority listing studies, qualifications and career contains the studies for which study financing will be awarded. Studies not listing may not come into consideration for study financing.

- Accounting
- Actuary
- Air Traffic Management
- Anthropology
- Architectural Design Technology
- Archaeology
- Arts and Craft/Handicraft
- Aviation Maintenance
- Aviation Management
- Biochemistry
- Biology
- Biological Science
- Business Administration
- Cardiac Technician
- Carpenter
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Civil Engineering
- Commercial Pilot
- Communication Specialist
- Computer Repair
- Computer Science
- Construction Management
- Criminology / Criminal Analyst
- Culture and Heritage Management
- Culinary Arts
- Data Science/Analysis
- Dental Hygienist
- Diesel Mechanic
- Diesel Technology
- Early Childhood Education Teachers
- Early Intervention Specialist
- Economics
- Electrical Engineering
- Electrician / Electronics
- Elementary Education (EN or DU)
- Entrepreneur Studies
- Environmental Science
- Exercise Science
- Finance/Finance and Control
- Forensic Science
- Graphic and Visual Designer
- Health Care Management
- History
- Hospitality Management
- Human Resources Management
- HVAC Technician
- Information and Communication Technology
- Journalism
- Kinesiology
- Languages: Dutch (NL), English (BA)/(MA), French or Spanish
- Law (NL, CW, AUA, SXM)
- Law Enforcement Officer
- Legal Assistant
- Legislative Analyst
- Machinist (Lathe machine operator)
- Marketing
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineers
- Media and Entertainment Management
- Meteorologist
- Mixologist (Craft of mixing drinks) / Certified Bartender
- Music
- Nursing
- Pediatric Psychologist
- Pediatric Psychiatrist
- Pharmacy Technician/Assistant
- Physical Education
- Physical Therapist
- Physics
- Project Management
- Public Administration
- Public Policy and Management (Political Science)
- Psychology/Psychologist
- Radiology Technology
- Risk Management/Insurance Specialist
- Safety and Security Management
- Seamstress
- Secondary Education Teachers
- Social Work/Social Workers
- Software Engineering
- Solar Photovoltaic Specialist
- Special Education Teacher
- Sports Management
- Statistics
- Tailor
- Theatre, Visual, Creative, and Festival Arts Specialist
- Veterinarian
No results found.
BA: Bachelor; MA: Master; EN: Language of instruction English; DU: Language of instruction Dutch; NL, CW, AUA, SXM: Study can be pursued in the Netherlands, on Curacao, Aruba or St.Maarten.
Based on the study financing legislation and policies, studies and certifications programs offered locally (at the University of St. Martin (USM), National Institute of Professional Advancement (NIPA), etc.) cannot be pursued outside of St. Maarten with study financing from the Government of St. Maarten.
Sources and methodology
The list of occupations has been compiled based on the recommendations in the approved Research Study Report: Labor Market Needs on Sint Maarten for the Study Financing Priority List 2023 – 2026 and recommendations from key stakeholders during the months of July, Aug and Sep 2023.
Preparation and approval
The Study Financing Priority list was prepared by the Department of Education and approved by the Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports